Golf Around Scotland

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  • Golf Around Scotland
    St Andrews Old Course

Old Course Ballot

The daily ballot offers an avenue for players without a Guaranteed St Andrews Old Course Tee Time the chance to play the course.

Almost 50% of the total number of tee times on St Andrews Old Course annually are allocated to the ballot...

The Ballot

– Golf Around Scotland will enter you into The Old Course ballot as specified in your itinerary.

– The Old Course ballot is drawn 48 hours prior to the day of play and the result posted after 4.30pm the same afternoon.

– We will submit your details (name, home club and handicap) and notify you of the result.

– If successful the green fee of £295 per golfer (2023 price) is paid to the starter on the day.

– If unsuccessful we will try to move the course you are playing on the following day, back by a day to allow a 2nd ballot application and would repeat this process on subsequent days as necessary. If we were unable to move a course on a particular day due to unavailability of tee times and you still wished to be entered in the ballot then the green fee would not be refunded if the ballot was successful.

-If our efforts ultimately fail in the daily ballot, you will have the option of entering your details in the digital system for the daily draw. The daily draw requires individual golfers to enter their details in person at the Old Pavilion next to the first tee of the Old Course or St Andrews Links Clubhouse between 9am-5pm the day before they wish to play. A randomised draw will then take place at 5pm with golfers being notified by SMS message and email whether they have been allocated a tee time for the following day. The new digital system replaces the previous practice of golfers queuing outside the starter’s hut each morning prior to play.

– Lastly, if all efforts fail you would play the New Course where walk on tee times are kept each day.

– Please note an official handicap certificate is required to play The Old Course. Maximum handicap is 36 for women and 24 for men.

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